About Co-piloting & Partners
Our Approach
Startup and Private Investor Consultant
Here at Co-piloting & Partners we take a different approach to the others. We’re the ultimate strategic co-pilot for earlier stage founders (seed onwards) and earlier stage private investors, helping you to navigate growth, risk, impact and opportunity successfully. There is no macho in our approach but we have conviction and our own ideas – we don’t jump on the coat tails of whatever trend the street is following as by then it’s too late. We work closely with you to ensure you’re ahead in your game and together we ensure seamless execution.
Why this approach?
We believe our approach produces better results than traditional advising, coaching, consulting or scouting: by working actively alongside you we believe we can deliver superior and durable results. For founders we’ll help you to be more attractive for investors and to grow further faster. For investors, we can help with deal flow through to sector and trend, market research and introductions – we also have a far and wide network we can tap into.
We can also help with sustainability and impact too, keeping it both commercial and making your competition envious.

Our Services
For founders – let's shape your future together
Only by embracing the impossible can we be sure that something will happen. From the <why> or purpose of your business to achieving your vision, we ensure that you’re fully equipped for the mission to get there.
We work next to you and make decisions with you – together we find solutions. Our hands-on approach will help you make tough business decisions and then go on to ensure real world execution. This encompasses everything from product market fit, through to creating an effective pitch and story for fundraising via business strategy and international expansion. We also have a far and wide network we can call upon if we need to. What is it you’re missing? Assuming you know your strengths, what are your weaknesses? We’ll challenge you if we think we need to. It’s unlikely you’re the right person for every phase, company, geography or for all seasons, which is where we come in to help ensure all bases are covered.

Our Services
For investors – the wind beneath your wings.
​​From helping you to create your own thesis through to finding high potential deal flow, we work closely with you to help you achieve the outcomes you’re seeking. We work at and beyond the horizon and refine our thought process constantly as we progress. Like Keynes, when the facts change we also change our minds too. We have developed our own thought leadership over the years and keep ourselves well ahead of the street. We’re strategic and in for the long haul, always.

A word on
We want to ensure your business is sustainable in the long term. Governments may be backtracking (sort of, a little bit) but your customers, lenders and investors aren't. We’ll ensure you’re perfectly placed to take full advantage of all this trend offers (staying ahead of regulations is a given of course!). Basic things like enhancing your brand’s reputation aside, there are many many opportunities still in this space still to be had. By partnering with us together we’ll unlock a smarter, more sustainable future for your business.
In an age of disruption our philosophy is very much that of Pericles, the ancient greek Mayor of Athens << The key is not to predict the future, but to prepare for it>>